The Melancholy Aries Blog

Do Opposites Attract?

Do Opposites Attract?

I have been asked numerous times in my life if opposites attract. I have always been a firm believer in 'opposites attract'. I do think that people with different temperaments and personalities can have successful relationships, and friendships. I would like to point out that most of the time, 'opposites attract' is truer in friendships, in my opinion. However insightful I am about this topic, I am not an expert. So I can only speak to you on my experiences and hope that my input can be helpful in some way. But, to be safe, what do the experts say?...

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Believe What You Want To Believe.

Believe What You Want To Believe.

As someone who believes and enjoys astrology, I have to say the negative feelings some people have exhibited towards the simple belief in astrology frustrates me. I have been told on some occasions that believing in astrology is idiotic. This upsets me because you can believe whatever you want to believe- in fact that is what makes this world so great, but looking down on people for what they believe in is immature and arrogant. Believing in something is not idiotic, it is idiotic to put people down for their beliefs, while assuming your beliefs are the correct ones. I believe...

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