About Us

The Melancholy Aries is run by artist, astrologer, and lover of tarot Monique. She founded The Melancholy Aries, a Spiritual Wellness Brand, with the goal of helping her client's live life free of fears and reservations. 

"I have learned to use my gifts combined with tarot and astrology in order to help my clients with their most pressing and intimate issues."




Constantine was adopted in 2017 and grew up in a foster home so she is used to being fed and having a warm bed. While she doesn't act spoiled she was as a kitten. She is a Taurus, has really bad allergies, and loves doing parkour on her dads back. She is a brown tabby. 

  • Dislikes: Cold War America, Taylor Swift's music, the vet, and the red dot
  • Likes: Netflix and chill, sleeping on a warm surface, sitting on warm pizza boxes and smashing the pizza inside, and watching mommy paint
  • Favorite Snack: starbucks whipped cream, chilled



Valkyrie was adopted in 2018. Valkyrie is mommy's little street rat. The smallest of a 6 kitten litter Valkyrie grew up on the streets fighting for her next meal. The second to last to be adopted, Valkyrie was quick to bond with her mommy and Constantine. Valkyrie is a Scorpio, and while she still scarfs down food like she might never get fed again, she is not as jumpy as she used to be. She is a tortie. 

  • Dislikes: Cocaine, the 70's, hipsters, technology, and Monty
  • Likes: belly rubs, playing fetch, getting taken for walks, climbing to the top of a tall object and declaring "I see no God up here but me" and her mother Scotland (don't ask)
  • Favorite Snack: grilled salmon




Moctezuma is the newest addition to our team. Adopted in August 2019 she is the youngest kitten adopted, at only 2 months. When adopted Monty weighed only 1.8 lbs. She is feisty, and screeches like the demogorgon from Stranger Things when she is hungry. Monty is a Taurus and actually shares Constantine's birthday (5/20). She is slowly growing and is no longer the sickly kitten she was at the shelter. Her breed is unkown as she is missing a lot of hair, but it is speculated that she is either a calico or a tortie.

  • Dislikes: Waiting her turn to eat, people who do not use their turn signals, Dr. Phil, Jordan Belfort, and strangers 
  • Likes: watching Friends, falling asleep on a warm chest, playing with feathers and bubbles
  • Favorite Snack: penne pasta with garlic tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese